know he does not put much effort on this big big exam, but still, as a sister,
I’m proud of you, adik. Even though we are always arguing on the small
matters, I’ll always tell myself, how lucky I am to have you as a brother. Time
will change everything, and I am waiting for you to grow up and be mature
enough to lead us, guide us all the way to Jannah. Do your very best and let
Allah take care all the rest.
something very important today,
many times do you say ‘Thank you, I love you and I miss you very much’ to your
never knows how it feels when your father replied, ‘Thank you for missing me.’
you should know how it feels when your mother said, ‘you are always be my
daughter, here and in hereafter’.
Rasulullah, you taught us something very important,
a man loves his brother, he should tell him that he loves him,” (Hadis Tarmidzi)
and you will be loved.
Michael Buble – Home, breaks the silence.
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