Wednesday, November 9, 2011

worry ends when faith begins

Sometimes sadness takes a turn too. These are the seasons of life. And like summer, fall, winter and spring, they all have their purpose and their role. [Yasmin Mogahed]

I feel like giving up. Tuhan. Campak kalkulator ke tepi. Kill me.

“Rasulullah kata, kalau benih ada di tangan dan esok akan kiamat, hah! Tanammm! Rasulullah suruh tanam jugak even kiamat tu pasti esok! Rasulullah tak pernah ajar kita terlambat. Takkan pernah terlambat. Do it! Esok paper last, dalam exam, tu lah nyawa akhir kau. Kau nak mati, lepas dua jam tu lah baru mati. Biar nanti kau keluar dari pintu exam, kau puas. Kau tak perlu takut bila Allah rapat dengan kau. Biar nanti, kau cakap kat diri kau, Yes. Aku dah buat terbaik! Jiddiyyah!”

"Rabiatul Adawiyyah kata, kalau Allah nak campak dia dalam neraka sekalipun, dia akan redha kalau Allah redha. dapat buat, susah nak faham, takpe, asal Allah redha. sabar," 

I would say, that I have two best friends : Allah and those who reminds me of Him.

Your healing words are my biggest comfort. Thank you for not letting me faces it all alone. Thank you for always be there when I need somebody to talk to. Thank you for lending me your ears, replying my messages, hugging me tightly, letting me cries on your shoulder and cheering me up. 

I know Allah has said something through your words.

May Allah bless you, sayangs. 

Tuhan, moga redhaMu sentiasa ada walaupun bersama kesusahan ini. ameen.

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